Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Autism Awareness Day!

Hi everyone. Today is World Autism Awareness day and seeing as I have an autistic son, I thought I would write a little something up. Here goes nothing....

This is not a topic that I really like to so publicly talk about. It is not because I am embarrassed or ashamed of my son, but because people get mean. Like laugh at you, call you names , and say your crazy, mean... those are the nice ones. Some of the population believe special needs children are useless and should be euthanized. Needless to say those are flood gates I do not care to open.

So what is Autism?

I believe it is an overly used diagnoses. It is the fastest growing development disability in the US with 1 in 68 children being diagnosed.( source ) No one really knows what causes it. The only thing they think they know is it isn't caused by vaccines (bull). There is no one way to help cure autism. Most in the medical Field say there is no cure. I agree that there is no "cure" for it because it is so many different things being placed in the spectrum of Autism. If your child is "weird" now it's called Autism. Socially awkward, Slow learner, developmental delays? You are on the spectrum.

Whats my point? If you have a child in your life that has been diagnosed, whether severely disabled or on the mild side, follow what you feel in your heart is right for your child. DO NOT follow an "expert" with blind trust. Please do your own research and try everything you can! One thing may work for one child while not at all for another. You will get your hopes up only to be punched in the gut to learn something is not right for your child. Reach out and find someone to share with, a shoulder to cry on or to shake silly in frustration. You are not alone at all!!! Email me or Facebook me and we will talk. And above all do not read negative comments on any website because there is no good fruit from that!! Your child is still just as much a blessing as a "normal" child.

This is my Ethan, who happens to have Autism. He is a precious gift from God and such a blessing. As you can see he enjoys an active life. There are good days and bad days as with any child. His are just different from others. I don't treat him any different then is siblings. He is expected to behave in public and respect others. Ethan has daily chores that he does, better then his siblings I might add. We have a great community here so he gets to enjoy things like youth group at church and has friends at school. Ok Ok i cold go on and on........

Ashley B.

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