Monday, March 30, 2015

An absolute beginners first time training for a 5k

Last week I signed myself up for my first 5k. Its this super awesome looking inflatable run. How fun does this look!

I mean really, I have been working out for near a year now (Pilates and elliptical). I am in better shape then I look for sure. At least that's what I thought before I set out this afternoon for a 5k training session thanks to Lozilu.

The plan was simple: 

Get dressed in cute work out clothes
Put Jax in stroller
Go outside and walk 5 minutes
Jog/ Run for 2 minutes
Walk 3 minutes
Run/Jog 2 minutes
Walk 2 minutes
Run/ Jog 2 minutes
Walk 3 minutes
Run/ Jog 2 minutes
Walk 9 minutes
Come home feeling Awesome

However this is how it went

Put on cute work out clothes, but oh wait they are dirty. Put on a pair of sweats and husbands shirt.
Look for good running shoes, only find one. 
Find 2nd pair of running/walking shoes with funky walking bumps.
Clean stroller because it has been sitting unused in garage for nearly ever.
Put Jaxon in stroller who is, thankfully really excited to go out.
Look for sun glasses that I always lose...always...
OK OK I am now on the road, commence walking.
Arg almost just twisted my ankle in a hole in the road.
5 minutes of walking down. It is a little toasty outside in this mid day heat.
Whew 2 minutes at a slow jog done... maybe I should have peed before going out.
Man I do not think 3 minutes is enough time in between "running".
What is going on with this stroller wheel while I "run" ? Oh good its flat.
Hmm well it works fine if I just walk and Oh my word am I sweating! Why is the sun so hot?
Maybe doing this in sweats and a heavy shirt right smack in the middle of the day was a bad idea.
Alright I clearly cant "run"  today because I wore shoes that feel like they are slipping off.
Oh look I hit a mile.... nearly 19 minutes later.....
Wooowww I really am not prepared for a 5k.
Maybe I should just give up... Nope not gonna happen. I will be better prepared tomorrow.
Alright Ashley 22 minutes down turn here and go home that's good enough.
Don't be silly girl keep going finish the 30 minutes
Why are so many people out on there porches!? Can they tell I am dying?
Calves stop cramping I am only walking.
Wowza I gotta pee.
Woop Woop turn the block and Jog for 2 minutes you can do it!
Thats right the front wheel is flat. Doesn't matter lean the stroller back
Ok maybe just one minute.
Thank you Jesus I can see my house.
Oh good more people.... yeah sure walk behind me... pretend you are not dying woman, suck it up.
Get the stroller up the porch. Wow that wheel really doesn't want to participate with me and oh sweet glory I have to pee!!!!
Unlock the door, get in the house.... Noooo! Why isn't the key fitting? ... oh its the car key...duh
Ok I'm in. get Jax out of stroller. Why are there shoes everywhere? 
Climb over baby gate run upstairs and go pee.
Change pants, because I have had 4 kids and well yeah, done.
Drink some berry tea and take a selfie to show how horrid I look.

I was so red and sweaty

All in all things could have gone better, but I stuck it out for 30 minutes. Tomorrow will be better. Today I learned some valuable lessons and will be changing up some things. I will not give up. After all I have four weeks to get better at this. My goal is to finish the 5k not be the first to finish. Please if you have any tips or tricks on this whole process please feel free to share. Clearly I need all the help I can get.

Ashley B.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What your husband really wants for Valentines Day

I'll give you a hint: it doesn't come from the store. Yep, sexy time. So put the kids to bed early,  take a shower, lock your bedroom door, and do your thing.

Still want to give him a gift to open?
Here are a couple of ideas:

  • pack of playing cards - strip poker 
  • burn a song onto a cd ( pour some sugar on me is a good one) - strip tease 
  • a shower loofah - sexy shower time
  • love coupons - make some with index cards, and trust me he won't care if they are pretty looking. He will be paying attention to what you have written on them.
  • massage oil - sexy massage time. 

I think you get the idea. The gift is part of the foreplay and a promise of what's to come (wink wink).

Remember your husband loves you and thinks you are beautiful.  He is definitely not concentrating on all your supposed flaws. Be confident and let him see it. 

Friday, January 30, 2015

Verse Cards

Here are some Verses for you to print and cut out. Hang them up where you can see them on a daily basis.

I originally made these for my mother in law. She is under a lot of stress right now and I am hoping to give her encouragement. My plan is to pin them all over her house. Send up a prayer for her.

Ashley B

Friday, December 19, 2014

Hello friends!

As promised, here is a decadent dessert perfect for your holiday dinner! The secret is: IT IS HEALTHY! But don't worry no one will know! My family will be enjoying this for Christmas and I hope you will too!

Don't forget homemade whipped cream or coconut cream makes everything better!!

Lots of Love,
Ashley M.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Dear Friends 

I pour out my heart to you today.

Secrets are the devils play things.

If you keep them they will only fester. Secrets harm more then they could ever do good. Secrets turn to twisted worms inside your heart and soul. 

I'm not just talking about the he said she said stuff either. I'm talking about betrayal, hurts, wrongs done against each other. You know, the thoughts and feelings rolling around in your head at night keeping you from sleep. Yeah I know you know the ones I'm talking about.
I see so many of my friends and family suffer from them. They make us bitter, paranoid, and downright hateful. Those memories make your insides turn and blood boil. We all keep them, hoping no one will ever know how we really feel. We dont want to shatter this perfect image we only think we have built of ourselves.
News flash you guys no one is perfect, hence the whole reason for Jesus. And let me tell you guys confession is a powerful thing. Let me give you guys a tiny example.

I was totally geeking out about a book series I was reading and my husband said you are such a nerd, and it really hurt my feelings. I didn't want my husband thinking I was stupid and it kind of crushed me and I felt awful. Normally I would have just kept that stupid feeling inside and let it fester. But instead I got up the gumption to tell him " hey that makes me feel stupid" and guess what happened?
He said "sorry honey I was just playing around" I said "ok  honey but it hurt me" and he said sorry and all was forgiven and let go. Can you guess what would have happened if I kept how I felt a secret?
God only knows but I can take a guess. I would have held unto that feeling. Secretly thinking my husband thought I was stupid. silently adding every other stupid thing I thought I did together till I cracked. What would happen then? (I know for a fact the devil loves to use hurt, anger and betrayal against  Gods people. My soul may be saved, but I am sure he will try to render me as useless as possible) Maybe I would have taken course to end my marriage or spiraled into he depths of depression. I really hope you all are following where I am going. If not let me give you one more example.

I lived in terrible fear that I would lose my children. Especially my youngest, as he is a gift my husband never expected to receive. It was so bad that on some days it was all I could do to keep myself from curling into  little ball and crying.Oh and then when Ebola came to Texas I was a mess. It wasnt until I confessed all my fear to a group of women I trusted that I was set free. We prayed and I lay all my fears at the feet of Jesus. My fears diminished.

You see the devil was using my fears in both situations to control me. To make me less capable then I should be. Only in confession and at the foot of the cross can we be set free. Secrets have a way of burrowing deep inside us, no matter the size. They wreak havoc on how we perceive the world around us and those that inhabit the world.

If you want another example of secrets gone wrong read the story of King David and Bathsheba. No one came out a winner in that one and neither will you.

So whats my point here?

James 5:16

16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

Give up those secrets. They aren't doing you any good and certainly not keeping you from being hurt.
I'm not saying it will be easy or comfortable at first. But I will say that,
Luke 8:17 
For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all.

It is your life. Do not let secrets and the devil control it. 

Ashley B.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Santas Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie and a Gluten Free Treat

This cookie pleases even the most skeptic of Gluten Free baking. Every one in my house loved these goodies and I think Santa will too.

The goods

The Mix

Cookie Soldiers 

Reach in and enjoy a yummy treat or two

Ashley B.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Advent Chain

Here is an advent chain I made for my family last year and they loved it. all you have to do is print them out, cut them into strips and glue them in order in links. Every night the kids take turns getting a link and reading the corresponding Bible passages. To print left click on image and select print. I recommend choosing the landscape option in your printer options. I also print it on card stock but i think it be fine on regular printer paper.

I would love to hear back from you all in the comment section. Let me know if your family enjoyed this special time together.

Ashley B.