I started this blog to share with other moms out there that life is not what you read or see on the social websites and not even what people act, say, or do in public. God wants more for us than the feeling of failure, guilt, and shame. So why do I feel like a failure for not getting a blog post up this week? Because I am letting what I have read online about and others expectations to run this blog instead of what God wants it to be. I have let wicked thoughts run through my brain all week... How are you supposed to help people if you cant post anything? No one will ever read your blog anyway so just give up now. You didn't finish high school, you aren't smart enough for this. On top of that my precious baby is going through a jealous phase. Its cute and annoying all at the same time. Anything that takes mommies attention away from him is not aloud, especially the computer.
So whats my point? Why am I telling you all this? I'm not completely sure to be honest. Maybe so you know that you are not alone in feelings of failure and guilt. That we all have to battle wicked thoughts, and they are wicked because they sure don't come from God. Perhaps I just want you to know that I am still here... Or maybe to show you its ok to not be perfect and its ok to let others in on that.. trust me they have their suspicions that you aren't perfect anyway ;) Or maybe its for me seeing as I already feel lighter after sharing with you. My guilt has been lifted. Happy breaths - confession is good for the soul. Now that I think about it we are supposed to share our weakness and sins with others. According to James 5:16, Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you will be healed. Satan has us so wrapped up in perfection, that we forget the freedom of sharing our imperfections. So mommies lets share our imperfectness instead of hiding it away. Chances are you are not alone. We are set free from the guilt and the shame of our perceived failings! Claim it right now ladies! His grace is enough!
Ashley Brewer
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Random Act of Kindness
I was just researching some ideas for a post on doing random acts of kindness and God has opened my eyes, we should always be kind. Why is it that we have to do random acts of kindness. Why do we have to make an occasion of it. Do you wanna know the sad part? I actually had to look up ideas on how to be randomly kind and I was going to share a couple of those ideas with you so we could go out and randomly make one persons day. Instead I want to encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit for insight on how we can always be kind, generous, and considerate. Do you need some ideas to help you get started? I kinda do so lets brainstorm here:
Be kind in your super chain stores-
You already know what I mean here ;)
Look at people and smile-
I try this on occasion and I am always surprised by how many people keep their eyes to the ground or anywhere else for that matter just as long as they don't meet up with mine. Lets change that!
Suffer from road rage? Is everyone else bad drivers? Is your destination more important then theirs? Are you the only one in a rush? Do you see where I am going here? Good, lets move on because I could go on and on with how bad people drive at church!
Use your manners-
Pay attention and you will not hear a lot of please and thank you's. Genuinely respond with your manners too. Do not just mumble out a thank you or have a nice day.
Lean on God and thank him for His kindness and allowing it to shine through us. God speak to your people using our voices. Show your generosity using our actions. I don't want to randomly be kind, I want to always be kind. Let's wake up and breath kindness. So many people need to see us being kind hearted. We may be the only kind person to walk through their path so lets make it count. It is not always easy and I stumble a bit, ok a lot, but it is completely worth it. Maybe my children will take notice and start behaving in the same way. The Bible tells us:
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you
Ephesians 4:32
Ashley Brewer
Monday, November 4, 2013
Being thankful for what you have is powerful tool. For example, my oldest son was having a rough morning a couple days ago and was saying his day was already ruined. I don't remember why he was so upset, as he is in those teenage years where everything is soooo serious, but i do remember wanting to tell him to snap out of it and move on. Then God spoke to me and told me to ask him to think of just 3 things he was thankful for. Well Noah rolled his eyes at me but did it anyway. Guess what happened? It totally changed his mindset. He went from only thinking about what he was unhappy about to what he was happy about. After the mood changed we made hot chocolate and he had a great day.
So this holiday season when you get overwhelmed with negative thoughts, just think of three things you have to be thankful for. You can also join me on Facebook by posting with me once a day what you are thankful for. It is simple things like this that can change your whole mindset and therefor your whole day. God is so good and his blessings abound.
Ashley Brewer